Thursday, July 14, 2011


I really am rather terrible at updating.
I haven't eaten at all today. Lies, I had one Almond Roca candy piece. So good, so bad.
I swear everything's gone from tragic to worse. It gets really easy to not eat. I haven't really lost but I haven't made an effort either. I've stayed below 130 which is a big thing for me in the last few months. I used to be 110 :'( Those days are long gone. I'm not even sure I CAN get back to that anymore. I just want to hit 120 again, it's been SO long since I've seen 120 on the scale. Then lower. For a fatass like me even 120 seems low right now.

In case anyone ever wondered, my stats:
Height: 5'5
CW: 128
HW: 142
LW: 110
GW1: 125
GW2: 118
GW3: 114
UGW: low...

I think I may update my tumblr alot more because I have it on my iPhone. So check it out sometimes. Short and sweet and more updates from my twisted head!

And say hi!