Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Celebration Day!

I woke up so sore today! I think I worked myself to hard at the gym the last couple days. I woke up knowing it was break day from the workouts. I had a dentist appointment so now my teeth are so smooth and clean!
The BIG news, however, occurred in a 50 min span before I left for the dentist and while I was in the middle of my appointment. I got my job back for next year!!!!!!!!!!

Okay let's back up. I was laid off in March, like all the new employees, and we were told it was likely we'd be rehired, but we might not know until the end of the summer. The end of the summer??? That's an eternity to NOT know if I'll have a job, be able to keep my apt, pay my bills, so on. My friend texted me around 12:50 and asked "did you get a call?" I said no :( but congratulated her. Then I found out all the other people were called as well. So I went to the dentist gripping my phone and wiling it to ring, and willing it, and willing it. It was torture. In reality it was 1:39 when he called, not even an hour after I found out. But man was it a strenuous 50 mins!

So I'm super-excited. It's celebration day. Boy and I went to return a movie and have lunch at our favorite bar. Played some pool. Can't say I've eaten too well, but I didn't eat anything until then and haven't since. Don't plan to eat more, but I DO plan to drink my weight in alcohol tonight!

This is big! This is my income for the next year!

So yeah. He got us a bottle of champagne and that's what I'm currently sipping. I've had a couple bloody Mary's as well. I had half of my steak sandwich and one slice of his quesadilla.
Total intake? Alot. I didn't really add.

I just can't even express how exciting it is!

I did notice this morning that my abs are starting to show some definition. Beneath all the fat. Bleh. Once I can get rid of the fat layer thought they'll be nice and toned. At least a bit.
I told boy and he said he'd noticed it but hadn't said anything to me. Yay.
Boy doesn't have a scale, boo, but I have noticed my shorts fitting a bit looser. I know working out hasn't helped me lose large amounts, since muscle weighs more than fat. But I have noticed a difference in my body. So with more careful eating and restricting I should begin to see a thinner me in a month or so.
So impatient!
So excited though!



  1. Congrats on getting your job that, it must be such a weight off your shoulders.

  2. Omg it was! Thanks! Sorry it took me forever to reply I suck!
