Tuesday, June 14, 2011

It starts...

I've been doing pretty decent lately, food-wise. Although I didn't work out for a week. I got a little lazy but I came back strong yesterday.
Being home alone during the day actually makes it easier to avoid food. I binge on my green tea which I love! It's when the boy's around that I have difficulty. I mean I love food. That's the main struggle.
I live thinking about food. Tasting it in my mind. Counting calories in my head.
Yeah it's a problem.
And once I start eating I can't stop. So I try not to start.
But the last few days have been pretty good. I'm avoiding eating out. I'm trying to avoid eating at all till after dinner. It really limits my caloric intake if I narrow it down to one meal a day. The one I HAVE to eat, with the boy.

My currents:
CW: 132
HW: 142
GW1: 125
GW2: 120
GW3: 115

My lowest was 110. But I'm not totally sure I want to be that small again. Not that I didn't love it, but ever since I've been working out steadily my legs and butt have been firmer, and I don't know, I kinda like it. Makes my waist look smaller. I guess I don't mine the bigger booty :) And the boy loves it! I suppose as long as it doesn't bother me it's ok. Besides, I have HUGE man shoulders, and when I was a size 0/1 I just looked bad. I can't do anything about the shoulders, so the bigger butt and legs balances it out.

So far today:
2 cups of green tea (3 soon)
Handful of capn' crunch berries 50ish cals?

Don't know the exact amount of intake when I have handfuls of cereal. I'll also be drinking half my chocolate Muscle Milk before I workout. It's 50 cals. I make boy drink the other half. I know it's only 100 cals but I just can't stand to drink it then have to burn it off! Seems to defeat the purpose for me.
I do notice that I can work harder when I drink it thought, but half is enough.

Not quite sure what's on the menu for dinner yet...running low on the low cal stuff. Eeek.


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